In an NPR article Linton Weeks writes, “Twitter lives up to its tree-full-of-sparrows name. There's a ditzy quality to the microblogging, a sort of say-whatever-pops-in-your-head capability that is the application's draw and its drawback. It is like thinking aloud in front of strangers. It is a marketing tool and a me-me-me medium.” One question I have had for a while is how useful SNSs are in the information seeking process. Are they useful at all? Are there benefits to these sites that a more static online/database search cannot fulfill? In the world of SNSs right now Facebook and Twitter are the powerhouses. Yet as mentioned above the amount of “say-whatever-pops-in-your-head” status updates far outweighs any content driven post. To serve as examples, below are two status updates that have shown up on my Facebook wall in the last couple of minutes:
I understand that most researchers do not rely on Twitter or Facebook as a major source in their information seeking process. I also understand that when users “microblog” on these sights they are not necessarily trying to convey any real information or concern, at least in the journalist sense of the word. Yet, with the advancements of Web 2.0 these SNSs have a new ability to draw out unique connection points between users. What I have found in my research this week is that while the major SNSs (Facebook, Twitter…) are useful for keeping in contact with your offline/online community they are not all that useful for information seeking. For those truly seeking an environment where quality information can be found a more niche resource is required.
Being a future academic librarian I have been looking for online opportunities where students can meet up with other people with similar interests and share information and resources. I am curious as to if Web 2.0 tools such as social tagging and user generated lists can help students find research resources in a new way or if these tools are more of a distraction. This week I began experimenting with the website This SNS revolves around each individual’s personal library. When you sign up for an account you also enter in your library (books only) and then the website will connect you with other users with similar books in their library.
In the article Does the Internet Strengthen Community? Galston states, “Some researchers have argued that, because the absence of visual and tonal cues makes it more difficult to see the pain that words can inflict, the Internet reduces restraints on verbal behavior and invites individuals to communicate in impulsive ways (200).” I find this to be especially true in the comment section of news articles and blog posts. The hyperbole found in many of these comments is extremely difficult to interpret. It is also difficult to understand sarcasm in printed text. With this being said, I wonder if a more specified SNS, such as LibraryThing, would help with this? Would I find extreme content (through out this post I use extreme in the sense that every argument is a yes or a no or black or white leaving very little room for dialogue) or difficult language to interpret in the postings on LibraryThing? To begin answering this question I must first say that the “group” page on LibraryThing is far superior to Facebook’s option. Group pages on Facebook are difficult to get involved in unless all the members are personal friends and the group is organized around an event or central cause. Outside of this, most groups on Facebook come across as gimmicky and are usually about user count more then anything else. On LibraryThing I found the group dialogue to be much more centralized around common themes most of which comes out of what people are reading.
As the website analyzes the books in my library it suggests the groups that would be most relevant to me. In the screen shot to the left you can see that LibraryThing has made suggestions of 5 groups I should join. These suggestions are generated based on the books in my library.
I found that one issue with trying to find information resources through a SNS like LibraryThing is that it is easy to build unauthentic libraries and this has the ability to affect the search process. LibraryThing has two options for booklists (as seen in the follow screen shot): Library and Wish list.
The desire to add every single book I have ever considered reading into my wish list is high. However doing this affects the ability to authentically match up with other readers with similar interests. Rosen states, “Today’s social networking sites organize themselves around metaphors of the person, with individual profiles that list hobbies and interests (22).” For those using LibraryThing recreationally total authenticity would not necessarily be a top priority. However, someone who wants to use the site as part of the process of selecting resources for a research project the authenticity of the booklists would be a top priority.
After setting up my library I was given a list of suggested users I should “friend” based on having a similar library. This was the main aspect I was exploring for evaluating the sites usefulness for information collection. For example if a user had 10 similar books as me in their library I would look at the rest of the books to see if there was anything in their library I wanted to add to my wish list. The problem I found was that as my wish list increased the users I was being suggested to “friend” began to change. The benefit of having a large library is that the total number of other users you are connected with increases the down side is that not all of these libraries held relevant resources. One way to get around this is to browse the users who have read highly relevant books for a particular topic directly from the books page (my user name on this website is H.Clay).
The down side to this is that some people will just have the book in their wish list without any other relevant resource. A conclusion I came to is that LibraryThing would be useful for someone with a reader advisory question (i.e. I liked these three books what should my next read be?) or for someone at the very early stages of research when resources are still being collected and evaluated.
One aspect of LibraryThing that caught me by surprise was the amount of information I was able to learn about the users before we even became “friends”. Concerning this Albrechtslund states, “A majority of profile holders provides pictures of themselves and their friends as well as the name of their hometown. However, only a small minority include their full name, phone number and e–mail address (2).” At times I found the exact opposite to be true. One of the tests I tried to test the strengths of LibraryThing was to find books on theological librarianship. To do this I added books into my library about general librarianship as well as book specifically about theological librarianship plus general works on theology and church history. After adding these books to my library I was directed to a couple of users who had these books in their library. I found that the first user I clicked on was the director of the Duke Divinity Library at Duke University. Duke’s divinity school is one of the more prestigious programs in America. His user profile gave me information about his interests as well as his e-mail address and access to his yahoo messenger account (not to mention his entire book list).
It will be interesting to explore his profile more and see what resources I can find to aid in my personal development as a future librarian. Several times I have found myself wanting to go into someone else’s library and just look to see what books they have on their shelf. From this website I can do this while being 5 time zones away.
To conclude, Bigge stated, “Social networking sites are spaces where identities are created, shaped, readjusted and ideas, opinions and feelings are expressed or performed. Call this digital gardening — personalities are trimmed and shaped like hedges, weeds are removed, digital publics are seeded (4).” I believe that the website LibraryThing can be a useful tool in the digital gardening process. The main difference between this SNS and the Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought tool on, which more or less does the same thing, is that LibraryThing will actually connect you with those people who have read those other items. The ability to have that social connection brings the potential to actually communicate with people who have read the book.
A common theme I found in this weeks reading was the issue of authenticity within online communities. This is best portrayed in Weeks’ NPR article and Bigge’s argument about the politics of online social groups. A dichotomy exists between those who are only seeking social aspects of online communities and those who are actually wanting to gain something from an online “relationships”. How does one measure the usefulness of those online environments and the authenticity of the users? I believe one way to remedy this issues is by choosing smaller SNSs for a more authentic encounter. LibraryThing presents a space for those wanting to add a social component to the process of information seeking. By decreasing the exposure to “say-whatever-pops-in-your-head” microblogging (as commonly found on Facebook and Twitter) one can have a more focused online encounter and more authentic dialogue with other users.
Articles used:
Virtual Friendship and the New Narcissism By Christine Rosen
Online Social Networking as Participatory Surveillance By Anders Albrechtslund
Does the Internet Strengthen Community? By William A. Galston
Social Responsibility and the Web: A Drama Unfolds By Linton Weeks
The Cost of (Anti-)social Networks: Identity, Agency and Neo-luddites By Ryan Bigge
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ReplyDeleteGreat insights! Social computing tools like Facebook and Twitter do allow users to get a lot of information that may not be useful in the information search process. However, I believe that it is possible for people to get appropriate information based on information need if the user understands the limitations of the information source. For example, if a user wanted to use Facebook to acquire comments from those within the individual’s circle of friends and only they have permission to comment, the information collected would be appropriate. Also, a person could want to retrieve anonymous comments on his/her blog to determine how a specific type of user (one who is likely to read and respond to blogs) responds to blogs. As you noted, it is important to know the source and if it is what the information seeker is looking forward. As you mentioned, in many cases, this may not be correct.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with your comment about nonverbal communication being unavailable on-line and many nuances are lost. In many cases, misunderstandings arise from incorrect context without the ability to quickly alleviate the miscommunication.
Interestingly, when I considered your insights about smaller on-line communities being closer, I began to think about Facebook. Facebook itself is a large social network; however, it has many smaller communities within the large community. Therefore, I am wondering about other on-line communities (like LibraryThing) and their ability to create smaller sub communities, as this can help to bring back the intimate feel, while including the potential to meet the largest number of users.
I really like you question in this posting. How to efficiently find out information through Web 2.0 is also a question I have been thinking for a long time. LibraryThing, the SNS you introduced, is new to me and after exploring a little bit on it, I think I will recommend my friends to use it. The site is created for people who have an interest in books to exchange information and even make friends. The use of LibraryThing begins with searching information, and while the users are accumulating information, they also extend their online social relationships, which in turn can facilitate them to find useful information. The process is like a bootstrap.
ReplyDeleteI also like another point about authenticity. Since our online identities are created as mentioned by Bigge, it is understandable that people want to present a perfect image in front of others. Therefore, the information they share may not be completely authentic. Speaking to this point, one question which has also been in my mind for a long time is that when using Web 2.0 for the purpose of education, how can we help students to distinguish what is correct and what is incorrect? For example, when students want to know threading (epilation), they may search on Wikipedia first. When I search this word on Wikipedia, there was a sentence like this “It is popular in many Arabic countries[1], as well as Indian and Persian culture where it is called Bande Abru ("Abru" means eyebrow, and "Band" is the thread).” However, threading is also popular in Chinese culture, in which we call it “wan mian”. This is an example showing that the information obtained online is not comprehensive. A frustrating example can be that the information obtained online is wrong or misleading. That is definitely derailing from why teachers assign the online search in the very beginning.
I agree that Facebook is a bunch of small communities to create on large SNS. I use Facebook a lot to create diolouge with friends concerning current issues. I try to post two or three articles a week and diolouge with any many people as I can. The down side is that status updates in Facebook tend to decay very quickly. I have around 150 "friends" on Facebook and I have trouble keeping up with everyone's status. Facebook feels like 150 people talking about whatever they want all at the same time. If a friend posts something I would want to diolouge with and I miss it that opportunity may be lost.
ReplyDeleteIf I were to take my question a step further I would ask if SNS can survive outside of Facebook. LibraryThing is nice because it is a SNS that revolves around books and if that is your thing that it is perfect. However, my guess is that most people who use LibraryThing also use Facebook and between the two most people will check their Facebook account before any other SNS. After spending time in one SNS why would anyone want to go to a second? I have found that movement on LibraryThing is very slow. The questions I have asked people have yet to answered and only 20% of those I have "friended" have accepted my request. So while the potential is high the actual usefulness of the site is low outside the more static aspects of the site such as browsing people's booklists.
First things first: I really enjoy reading your posts!
ReplyDeleteAbout your comment: "What I have found in my research this week is that while the major SNSs (Facebook, Twitter…) are useful for keeping in contact with your offline/online community they are not all that useful for information seeking. For those truly seeking an environment where quality information can be found a more niche resource is required." That was totally my experience this week too! I thought, since I have so many smart friends, friends who are very opinionated, and have something to say about everything, that surely someone would respond with something insightful. But I got nothing. You are right about the "niche" thing too.
Also, I am intrigued by this LibraryThing place....sounds like a place where I could totally waste away the hours. I would absolutely snoop around peoples "shelves." I mean, when you are on a new friend's FB page, don't you look through their photo albums? When I visit people's homes, I always take note of the magazines on the coffee table, and the books on the shelf. Heck, I will admit it, sometimes, I even look in the medicine cabinet when I use their bathroom ;).....everyone does that....right?
Thanks for an interesting post! What I love about LibraryThing is that it helps me to keep track of my personal library collection, and also of the books I have given away recently. I never really used it for its social aspects before, although it seems like you had some difficulty with its recommendation/pairing system, so maybe I won't start. :P It's great for other things though.
ReplyDeleteYou would think that LT's social features like friending would more attract frequent usage, since in real life we like to browse the bookshelves of new acquaintances and friends. There are books that people may be embarrassed to own, but others they're proud of. Probably for most people that is what's going to show up in their virtual bookshelves, the ones that they're... well, proud of. This is an example of a concept from several of the readings about how one can either truthfully represent or misrepresent oneself in an online community.
You both (Mernie and Nana) are hitting on some great points. A lot of the "surveillance" aspects of getting to know new people involves looking at what they own (or have) and what that says about someone. If I meet up with someone who I really do not know at a coffee shop the only way to better understand who the person truly is is to ask. It is commonly said that the second date is usually more enjoyable because the first one is more of an extended interview. With SNSs this aspect of getting to know someone is done remotely without the other person there to defend themselves. This is a weird new concept we now get to deal with. And like Nana is saying, if someone does not properly represent themselves on line it could only cause confusion in real life.
ReplyDeleteInteresting post Phil ...I like how you focused on the new community that you joined, librarything. I have also explored library thing -- and thought it looked realy neat --but I didn't go as far as adding my library and "making friends." The reason I didn't go this far, honestly, is because unlike facebook, where I know the people I "friend" and keep up with what is going on in their lives, keep in touch, and make new plans or information-based communities like or a labrador retriever owner page, where I post questions I have from time to time on user forums, I honestly don't know what I'd talk about with others on library The books we read? Like a book club? For me, reading for pleasure has always been more of a personal thing ... I suppose you could make contacts this way as you suggested with the Duke professor, but do you think some topics are just more condusive toward online communities than others? Or perhaps there is a difference between mostly "information-based" and mostly "pleasure-based" online communities and that they appeal to differnet users?
ReplyDelete"By decreasing the exposure to “say-whatever-pops-in-your-head” microblogging (as commonly found on Facebook and Twitter) one can have a more focused online encounter and more authentic dialogue with other users."
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more. I've been a member of online journal sites like Xanga and hobbyist forums. The interactions on these sites weren't as immediate, stream of consciousness based as Facebook interactions seem to be. I definitely felt as if interactions on sites such as Xanga were of a more substantial nature than the 'Like button' festivals on Facebook. Anyway, your final point has me interested in a more focused dialogue online and I'm certainly going to check out LibraryThing.
I agree that Facebook and other social networking sites like it aren't the best place to find information, but I am curious to see what we could find out from it if it were possible to weed through all the data that is on there. Surely the sheer number of users and data will produce some useful information other than what millions of people had for lunch.
ReplyDeleteI think that going to a site where there is a focus on a certain topic will allow you to get much better information. While relevant information and experts on the subject matter will be much easier to find, I find it harder to believe that more authentic relationships will be formed. There are always special cases, but this is the point that Galston made. Voluntary communities aren't same as "real" communities.
This is exactly the sort of post and discussion I hope will happen throughout the course! The bird analogy does seem to imply a cacophony of one-way tweets by all, as opposed to listening and discussion, but I think that may miss the point. Relevance ranking algorithms come in many flavors, but most prioritize currency. If a new Web page is posted, it may take weeks for the search engine to find it, index it and present it in a relevant results list. You made an excellent link with authenticity--that and immediacy are Twitter's primary forms of relevance, as opposed to content (unless you really are interested in what the poster is having for lunch). A LibraryThing entry implies that hours have been devoted to reading and recommending a particular book and including it in one's collection, while a tweet may involve essentially no time or consideration--yet both express a component of someone's identity.
ReplyDeleteAnthony, you make a valid point and one I really did not think about while I was writing my post. You said, "I find it harder to believe that more authentic relationships will be formed." This is so true. None of the people I "friended" in LT were people I knew in real life. In fact, I am not sure I know how to find RL friends on that SNS. What I believed I found was that because the SNS is more focused (in this case on books) it gave me more freedom to better represent myself. The problem is that I do not know anyone else and would have no way to truly know how authentic people are being. This is an interesting concept I will need to keep in mind as I use LT more.