Friday, March 4, 2011

Some Outside Reading/Final Project Opportunity

As if any of us need any outside reading but I found the following links to be super fascinating!

I'm also curious if anyone would be interested in joining me in doing some in-depth research on a new aspect of social media. It is called Cyborg Anthropology.

You can check out a website here:

A great article from the Portland Mercury

Also a couple of video's to watch:

I have been thinking a lot about how our digital selves communicate with our real selves as well as the impact of digital grooming.

To participate with me in this project you will need to have a smartphone and you will need to download the app: geoloqi

I know this is all really vague if you are interested or if you just want more information feel free to comment below.

1 comment:

  1. Great links! TED talks always provide fascinating food for thought.
